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five signs that it's time to bring in an external marketing and communications partner

Your marketing and communications team shoulders a lot for your business.

They create the strategy that will get your business seen, bring in leads, and drive sales. They define your company brand to lay the foundation for your story, connect with your audience, and keep you top of mind among current and future customers. Twriting-in-the-age-of-ai-q-a-with-journalist-daniel-adeyemi-1-1hey then build upon that brand to share stories via newsletters, blogs, and social media.

Not to mention everything else that falls on them from other departments: Sales will ask them to "whip up a quick presentation" for a pitch happening tomorrow. The CEO needs a press release for a new C-suite hire ASAP. Customer service is asking for an updated FAQ section for the website.

Given all that, we have a question for you: How is your marketing manager doing?

If your marketing team is struggling under the weight of too many to-do’s, you might not be seeing the results you know are possible for your business.

But here’s some good news: sometimes all it takes is bringing in a relief pitcher to lighten the load.

Over our almost decade in business, we’ve learned there are five key things that signal when someone is in need of our expertise. If any of these sound like you, it might be time to consider bringing in a partner for some support.

ONE: you need to execute

What we hear all the time: "We simply don’t have enough time."

You’re in the thick of your busy season. Deadlines keep getting pushed back. That meticulously thought-out marketing strategy is becoming obsolete because your team doesn’t have enough time to pump out new blog content. Whatever your challenge, you need extra resources, and quite frankly, just to get sh*t done. Fast.

The majority of our clients tell us that there is just too much on their plate to do it all. And that’s where we come in. Hiring an outside marketing partner provides the flexibility to scale your marketing efforts based on your business needs, and ensure that your ideas and projects get the attention and execution they deserve.

TWO: you need a fresh perspective

What we hear all the time: “We need a thought partner—someone to help us think this through.”

It can be all too easy to get tunnel vision when you’re working on the same business goals and projects every day. If you feel like your marketing and branding is getting a little stale or you’ve hit a crossroads with pushing something forward, working with an outside agency gives you the opportunity to breathe some new life and creative ideas into your work.

One of the best parts of what we do at toth shop is that we get to partner with all sorts of different people and in different industries — from education to health care, tech to non-profit – giving us the ability to see things with fresh eyes. This has given us our superpower: the skill of asking really good questions that get you thinking and offering a different perspective, one your marketing team might not be able to see when they’re in the thick of the daily grind.

THREE: you need to stand out

What we hear all the time: “Our brand doesn’t sound like us.”

All businesses get to own their corner of the internet. And the fact is, giving a quick 1-2 sentences about what you do, listing your services, and throwing a price tag on it all doesn’t cut it anymore. Today’s most compelling and successful businesses have a brand identity. They tell a story that resonates with their audience and hooks them. Above all else, they’re human.

Some businesses will try to cut corners and pump out website copy with AI. Or they’ll hire a person, but not someone who has taken time to get to know their business and their voice.. This usually leads to, “we don’t know whose voice this is, but it isn’t ours.” This process flushes time and resources down the drain, and the long-term impact of poor branding is equally costly.

FOUR: you need access to a diverse skill set

What we hear all the time: “We don’t have all the brains we need on our team to tackle this.”

In a perfect world, a well-rounded marketing and comms team has someone to tackle each need: PR, copywriting, content writing, SEO experts, just to name a few. The reality is, there’s rarely the budget to secure experts in each of these fields. You also might not need to have each of these roles active year-round, but rather for one-off projects or marketing pieces you’re trying to get across the line.

Working with toth shop includes access to a range of partners and collaborators—and without you having to play middleman. We tap into our network of creatives, tech wizards, and experts in their field where necessary to support, making us a one-stop-shop that streamlines all the moving parts and delivers what you need, when you need it.

FIVE: you need to be cost-effective

What we hear all the time: “We don’t have the budget to hire someone.”

Bringing on full-time employees means paying for more than just their salary — benefits, training, and onboarding costs all quickly add up. You might not have the resources to hire in-house, but that doesn’t mean the demands on your marketing team are slowing down.

When you bring in an outside agency, you get the expertise without the overhead. While we love partnering with clients as long as possible, we get that our collaboration might just be a few months to help you get through a website revamp, a marketing one-pager, or an annual impact report. Whatever it is, you can customize your order with us, and invest as long as you need.

ready to support your marketing team?

At toth shop, we’ve spent nearly a decade helping businesses like yours get the creative juices flowing and deliver on what you need. Whether it’s an ongoing partnership or just some extra muscle for a key project, we’re here to help you stand out, scale up, and get it done. Let's chat. We can't wait to meet you.

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