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Sep 28, 2021
a million little movements
do you ever feel like you're trying really hard but getting absolutely no where? i urge you to look closer. growth and forward movement...

Sep 21, 2021
in defense of the handwritten note
it’s 2021; everything’s digital. need to get in touch with some? open your laptop; send an email. writing down your grocery list? pull...

Sep 15, 2021
rewrite your definition of creative
a friend recently told me offhand that she just wasn’t a creative person. she said it as we sat in her well-decorated apartment, in the...

Aug 28, 2021
pausing for clarity
can you pause to listen? see? taste? smell? oftentimes, i find myself wrapped up in looking ahead. i worry and stress about performance...

Aug 24, 2021
consider the context
“the sunset was nature’s masterpiece: swirls of apricot and amber spilling into the ocean, leaving behind nothing but wisps of cotton...

Aug 18, 2021
the secret is two notebooks
for me, finding the perfect daily notebook has always been a balancing act. it can’t be too proper (sorry, hardcovers); scribbled notes...

Jul 20, 2021
write your words; read your thoughts
do you ever have trouble processing your thoughts? i do. my words always seem better when written, rather than spoken - and i often find...

Jul 7, 2021
count your seeds before they bloom
i once had a writing teacher who said she kept every rejection letter she got as proof she was on a path towards something. that she’d...

Jun 29, 2021
unfreeze your brain
have you ever had brain freeze? not the popsicle-induced kind (although those are the worst). but the “i’m-so-overwhelmed-i-don’t-know-wh...

Jun 15, 2021
how's the weather where you are?
we recently noticed that toth shop team calls often start with that smallest of ‘small talk,’ the weather update. as people who aim to...

Jun 8, 2021
turn off spellcheck
it can be overwhelming to first put pen to paper (or fingers to keys). a professor of mine once gave me great advice - a writing dump....

May 25, 2021
cornerstones come first
does your business have a cornerstone? maybe it’s the thing you’ve been doing longest, the thing you're best at, the thing that’s most...

May 19, 2021
in just over a month, we are halfway through 2021. think hard: what have you accomplished this year? did you return to the office for the...

May 11, 2021
cross your wires
a weird fact about me? i have color synesthesia. i associate colors with numbers, letters, days of the week, months of the year. may is...

May 4, 2021
the only way to detangle the mess
before it ever hits a page, writing is a thought that happens in your head. sometimes you’ve long mulled it over and have it neatly...

Apr 27, 2021
find your notebook
in the last few weeks, i’ve been convincing myself to buy a notebook. while it’s not the most indulgent purchase, i’m hoping it...

Mar 30, 2021
writing without reading
would you fly an airplane having never sat in the passenger seat? would you lead a 20-person team having never worked on one? maybe the...

Mar 16, 2021
create your own luck
many of us think of luck as beating the odds or subjecting ourself to random chance. for those of who like to be in control, relying on...

Mar 11, 2021
a six word memoir about your life over the last year
i attended a seminar last month taught by one of my all-time favorite undergraduate professors at kenyon college - donald l. rogan...

Feb 23, 2021
wrapping up february
as the shortest month of the year, February technically means less time to accomplish a lot of stuff (even if only by one day). whether...
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